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Contact Streets

For more information and to benefit from our considerable expertise and experience of working on a wide range of accountancy projects, please contact us through the form below, or contact your local team.

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You may have outgrown your existing accountant or are looking for someone who is a specialist in your field who can provide you with more specific advice on tax savings and business in general. If this is the case, then Streets is the firm for you.

We appreciate that the decision to change is not always an easy one and that it is not an everyday occurrence. You can be reassured that the move is less daunting than you might first think. Certainly, Streets’ primary concern is to make the switch as easy as possible.

A key aspect of our work is ensuring we are familiar with your accounting procedures and systems and that from a very early stage we understand your business and needs.

Part of this process involves us writing to your current accountant, on your behalf, and asking them to provide us with information about your affairs and paperwork to ensure the transfer is as seamless and smooth as possible. Ordinarily there is no cost incurred in handing over the information or in us gaining professional clearance to act for you.
