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The winds of change

Posted on 9th May 2023 - Business Support

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A new King, the possibility of a change of government next year, and signs that we may, at last, be emerging from the disruptions created by Brexit and COVID.

Meanwhile, back at helms of our small business sector firms, entrepreneurs are obliged to deal with the challenges that have arisen in recent years. Including:

  • Inflation
  • Crippling energy cost rises
  • Supply chain difficulties, and
  • The lack of qualified staff - affecting service industries, farming and manufacturing.

It’s as if the UK economy is becalmed, in the doldrums, waiting for the winds of change.

What do we need?

  • Price stability, inflation reduced to 2% not 10%.
  • A reduction in the cost of energy.
  • Less red tape when trading (importing and exporting) in the EU post Brexit.
  • Access to European and other global labour markets.

Readers who are suffering from these and other issues would do well to keep revisiting their business plans for the coming year to head-off cash-flow and solvency concerns. Please call if you would like to discuss your options.

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