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Coffee and a Bank Reconciliation, Toast and your Expense Claims

Posted on 10th September 2015 by Alexis Outram - Our news

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Do you run your business from your phone/tablet? Make Xero part of your solution

If you run your own business chances are you don’t often feel like you have time to sit and ‘do’ your accounts – Xero apps are making it easier to get the smaller tasks done quickly and accurately on the go.

For a growing number of business owners their phone really is their office and their working day really is 24/7. Checking emails last thing at night, checking online orders over a coffee first thing in the morning, completing a quote before breakfast – it’s a familiar story that reflects the way our business work and personal world have never been more combined – enabling us to stay in contact and stay in control, even if we aren’t in the office, at the shop or in the factory.

If you run your own business and already use your phone to keep in touch with friends on social media, check personal emails or do a spot of online shopping then the chances are you also check work emails on your phone, monitor website orders and log in and check your bank account balance on your phone throughout the day – why not do a bit of accounting at the same time?

With Xero you can send sales invoices, take debit/credit card payments, record and approve expense claims, record bank transactions – all from your phone or tablet.

To find out more about how Xero can allow you to bring your accounts with you on your mobile device please email

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